Sheldon got so excited when the mailman came, he jumped right in the box... little did he know there would be no new friends only TEN skeins of yarn. You can see Sheldon almost drown in the yarn. (Isn't that cute!) But this is not just any yarn, it is NUDE yarn.
This yarn is ready to be cool-aided up!
That is right. Mama Ann is having a dying party. She may be 82 years old but NO ONE will die. Are we clear? I hope my $8 kool-aid investment pays off tomorrow and will make a good variety of colors.
I forgot to mention in all of this chaos I finished another pair of socks.
Dimpled Diamonds pattern from Sock Madness 3. This used two colors of yarn, pretty fun pattern.
Here is a Shout out to my Fans in Finland and Sweden for read. Keep your threads moving on your needles!
SO load up your pockets with cool-aid and let's go make a mess of the kitchen! Yes, there should be some pictures coming soon!