It was a busy week as the winter has arrived with freezing temperatures every night and highs of about 38 degrees. I think you will have fun with this weather in the NorthWest for about the next 2 weeks. We might get snow here to night, only 3 cm. Should I wake early and look out my window?
As you see in the above picture my body guard and I did brave the cold temps....

Not for a round of the highly popular, past-time sport of Gate Ball, but to visit my outside friend、 大ちゃん、who views the Pacific ocean.

To say warm we walked down the street popping in and out of gift shops to stay warm... I even found a nice yarn shop along the way, but sadly there was no fancy sock yarn to be bought. The socks featured with "Dai" are my Sockamania New Years socks for the little sis. Renaissance 100% wool yarn, super soft!

I just can't get a good picture of this... the Slippery sock from Knitty.com. It is a lot of fun to work on with all the twists and cables. This is the first time I am understanding cabling without a cable needle. So quick and easy? Well it is going quickly, or is that because I am dying to see the results? Or trying to burn through all my yarn? This color is Envy by lorna's laces. Aren't you Envious?? huh huh... Sorry. m(_ _)m (To the left is a little bowing dude.)

Then I went indoors for my own "Push SUMOre Stitches." Is that what they would call that here?? Should I start that event? Would the 400 pound wrestlers get offended and sit on us regardless off the sharp needles?? well I worked on the simple boring blue sock so I could avoid any wrestler conflict.

While the weather is so beautiful..and cold.. I still felt like I needed to ride the train really far.. 3 hours (so I could knit) ... and see how cold it really is in other areas. I ran across this super cool spot. I believe it might be a natural gizer(sp?)

But don't worry about the almost freezing temperatures in the sunny day because... you can join this lively bunch for a dip...

Would this work in the states??? Cool ... but .... really... this hot springs is situated next to a busy intersection. Note the 10 story building in the background. I am really glad it is not for full bathing! Maybe that is why they designated this as a foot springs guarded with tough おばさん-gal?

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