While you may have thought I forgot my blog sign-in and password, I don't have any cool excuses to explain my blog-laziness. Sorry to you, thousands of readers. I just hope my month of absence has not scared off my fan base. To make it up to you I have a few nice pictures.
Here is a Hat and Bootie set I powered out for a July baby. Problem is I have not had time, in all my laziness, to give it to the mom-to-be. I hope the baby does not out grown his clothes before I meet up with his mommy.
I did some knitting to go along with my few hikes. I am going to try and fit in a video here. Can I really do this? Hmmm.. This video just shows how full the creeks are around here, after the lingering winter and high amounts of snowfall. It is now summer, but the waters are still early spring-like, very chilly and quick flowing in those spots we used to splash around in.
Glad I did not drop my socks in the creek! They would have been swept away in seconds. This pair of socks in the June Sockamania Jungle sock pattern made from opal Petticoat yarn. I really like the colors.
I gave the Noro Kureyon (Crayon) sock yarn a try. As always the color transitions are awesome and the socks turned out amazing. I used a simple 7 stitch Chevron pattern. BUT.... I did not enjoy the yarn as it curled up uncontrollably as I knit. This made it uncomfortable to handle and there are no plans to buy this yarn in the future. I did see and touch the new Silk Garden sock yarn. Nice... although after the crayon yarn I think I will not be purchasing the Silk Garden.
Of course I made the pair!
Oh, one more picture from a hike ... :) It is called Punch Bowl, usually good swimming on those 100 degree days. Still a little too cold for that, so a picture does the cooling instead.
While I really would love to start the hoody sweater... I am kind of addicted to the sock square blankie. I am now at 17.8% complete ... with 80 of 448 squares. NO repeats, yet. 50 untouched scrap colors to add. Then I will pull the ends off my yarn in the stash for about another 50 colors. Once I have gotten this far... I will beg my friends for scraps and then start the repeat of colors. Until I get motivated to blog again..... Put on your sunscreen and enjoy knitting outside while you can. :)
Tsugoii ne??!!! Namakemono desukara, I will not turn on my Nihongo alphabet!
1) Your gifted yarn is perfect for you! Did she know what colors you like?
2) It's a good thing you took a picture with both of those Noro socks, because I would have NEVER believed you would have knit BOTH socks!
3) Inserting a video is TOO cool. You will have to teach me that one, as I don't have a week of vacation soon to dedicate to learning blog tricks.
4) I will always be your fan! Saakagaru no ichiban FAN desu! FAN should be in katakana at least.
Owari desu!!
Congrats! Its fun to win, isn't it?
All the socks look great and the blanket is really coming along!
Oh wow. I love those rainbow socks. :-)
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