As you can see this beautiful skein of yarn was a different shade of green than I would have selected, but they included a pattern in the gift bag. Yep, I was a happy Pub knitter. I can't wait to see how this gathering evolves over the next few months.
The next day, Sheldon and I rounded up a few more knitters, packed up our gear and needles to head out of town in the rainy weather. We heard great weather was coming in time for a Sunday afternoon knit-spot. Sheldon and I set up the tent in the rain, got some zzzz-s and awoke to a frozen tent. The temperature had apparently dropped to -2 degrees Celcius,(28F) in the night. Brrr.... crunch, crunch, we knocked the ice off and packed up the tent. Then we got moving into the early AM.
YEp! We spotted the 9100 ft destination. The top looked a little crumbly, but nothing hard-hatted knitters and a hard shelled turtle could not arrive at with mad climbing skills and yarn.
Sheldon was a little shaking getting up the summit blog. He was much happier sitting on top taking in the scene, although the wind kept up from knitting up a storm. (I guess we kind of did not want a storm at this point in the trip.)
After the wind blew us back down the mountain, we finally got our knitting break by this creek. As you can tell the sun was making the day much warmer than this frozen morning. Sheldon was even sunning himself on a rock near the creek. (He is there take a closer look.)
The below pair of socks is a result of our true to spirit "Knit-Out"

These are the no name socks for this months Sockamania knit along. A pretty quit rib style pattern made with Happy Feet. AND wouldn't you know it, hot off the needles and they were quickly on a naked footed friend's feet. You see my friend Dragonlady had a fire-y party, good food and roaring company. At the party I was able to off load 9 pairs of socks!
These dragons grab up my new Cookie A Devon socks soon after the kitchner. There was NO WAY I was going to lose a knitting hand to grab them back for me and Sheldon almost become dragon food. Kind of a bummer those socks are gone because there were made from the KnitPicks Alpaca/merino wool naked sock yarn. Dragonlady actually did the Kool-Aid dying with Berry/cherry combo and then an over dye of grape. So these dragons had better really enjoy the one of a kind socks!
I may have failed to mention before off-loading some of the sock stash I attended a knit out. The attendance WAS profitable as you can see here:
The goody bag included lion brand Wool-ease and size 8 straight needles, Addi turbo size 8 needles and some Stoller & Stahl BIG super wash yarn, and Jojoland Melody yarn to make the included pattern. Let's just say it was a great day.
Here I leave you with an unedited video of Sheldon's knitting group. It really was a beautiful day just a tad bit winding for knitting on the summit.
Did you notice the massive drop off? It is ok if you did not look, it is a little scary for some knitters.
Here is a shout out to my fans all around the world, including the Mediterranean.
I hope to be back before the end of the month with one more sock made the wrong way. It is made from Sock Summit stash. :)