Since Sheldon was trying to crawl out of his shell to stay cool, we jumped in the car and headed west. Having no AC, we kicked in the "460", 4 windows rolled down going 60 MPH. Driving in the sunny day was making the steering wheel & gear shift HOT, I wished I had my Mario Andre driving gloves to keep from burning my hands. But we were headed for cooler grounds. You know it, first stop was:
It was quite busy as we were not the only ones with this genius idea to move closer to the Pacific O. We ordered up our ice cream then wandered into the work zone.
Sheldon was quite excited to see his favorite cheese being made before his threaded child proof eyes. When we got to the cheese tasting section he dove right in, and had to have a picture laying in the cheese.
After the Cheese Factory Sheldon realized he was moments away from meeting other Sea friends. He soon was dashing down the trail to see the ocean for the first time.
Then he posed for you readers and fans:
And tried to make a friend:
Sheldon's new friend was a bit stingy... and we moved on. WE knew a day at the beach is not complete unless you build two things.
A drift wood fort AND....
a sand castle complete with a king turtle.
Sheldon was mesmerized by his sand shadow following him everywhere.
As the sun got lower in the sky and his shadow BIGGER, Sheldon wanted to go back to the cabin for the evening. This is the best sunset picture I captured before heading inside for the night.
Wednesday we woke up to heavy fog and temperatures in the teens, 16 C / 62F. This was wonderful weather for finding the local yarn shop, in an explodingly BUSY beach area.
Can you believe this was a Wednesday? Don't these people work? Or are they ALL hermit knitters like myself? Parking was another issue at the Exploding Beach, again thanks to my yarn shop who has me covered with private parking. :)
Then we retreated to our quiet town to knit and blog, without a sunset view.
I hope these pictures make you feel cooler if you are burning up in an unnaturally warm climate. Here is a shout out to my fans in Iceland.