The gals and I suited up with our best compact knitting projects and hiked into the nosebleed seats. We were surrounded by other knitters, had a pretty good view of the home plate and better yet, no one needed oxygen or the defibrillator machine. We did good!

Yes, this one the give-away, needle holder. I will have to test it out in my next travel trip. Maybe then I won't lose needles in China. :)
As in previous years there were many shops to show off their beautiful fibers... and I tried to resist. I knew I would buy one skien, but they tricked us. They had two sections of yarn tables. After I looked over section one I decided on the below yarn. Yes, GREEN. (I was feeling like I've been neglecting this color with all the recent orange-ish socks.) Then we get closer to our section and see... a few other tables. One was filled with Socks that Rock.

My partner in crime (Sockfanatic wishes to remain anonymous) quickly found the magic sock yarn of my dreams. We had both been waiting to see Lemon Grass in the stores. Next issue after the one skien on the table was snatched by shopping enabler, she preceded to inquire if there was MORE Lemon grass. Indeed there was, and we both were able to enjoy the evening talking to each other, without harm to each other and lemon grass skien in our knit bags. hee hee...

After the bit of shopping and drooling over many other reasonable color choice we sat to watch the game, take silly pictures and be rowdy knitters. Look at the progress of my Sockapalooza sock... cool eh?

The worst part of the game was not losing. Sorry Ichiro... and all the Joses on the team. Me being the eco-girl that I wish I coudl be all the time, I rode the bus downtown. Good idea? Oh yeah. Cruised INTO the city 20 minutes. Return? the actual ride was 20 minutes, BUT they did not post that our return bus stop closes on game day and if you walk 2 more blocks the bus will pick you up there afte rthe 7th inning. oh... well you do learn something knew everyday. At 11pm I was boarding the bus and 1130pm I was stinking into the front door. Well, must wake early AM for the 7am work shift, then paint a house this weekend.
Beautiful yarn purchases - and your sockapalooza socks are looking amazing!
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