The week started with a lesson in flowers. Kind of fun but I think I will stick to knitting. It seems there are too many rules to the proper arrangement, not to mention I can't tell one purple flower from another. Actually, I can't tell the difference between a pink flower, blue flower, white flower.... etc. I think you get the picture. Didn't I mention earlier I tried to kill my flowers this summer and they only came back to haunt me???

The cool thing about the flowers, is I have them set in my doorway to greet me. Every time I come home I get a fresh smell as I walk in the door and the flower make me smile. Even my new daffodil hat is enjoying the flowers. This hat is really truly the last of the daffodil yarn. I barely squeezed it out of the scraps of the socks and gloves...

Friday night I went into the big city with my friends. As we will milling around I found....

Yes, these are crazy looking green shoes and they were in my size. I had not choice but to spend the $10. BUT, when I got home I tried to make my snazzy hand knit socks work with the funky green shoes.. and... seems I need to knit a pair of solid colored white or blue socks. Put that on the list of things to do!

Saturday I went to one of my favorite concerts around town. My friend sent me the invite a week ago, so I planned the 90 minute commute to fit my knitting schedule. This was about the right amount of time to finish my surprise sock. I have taken its picture with Penta-kun.

WHO is Penta-kun? Or better yet, WHAT is Penta-kun? I don't know... I was walking down the street and someone in a penta-kun costume was handing out this doll. So I got in line with all the little kids to get my very own Penta doll. I know you are all VERY jealous, I can see that look in your knitting faces.
Oh, I hope the yarn gods will be ok with me if I spend my yarn money on a Nintendo DS my friend was showing me some cool brain games and other nerdy games for the system. I am having trouble parting 2 months of yarn money. I have not bought any new yarn for 2 weeks! oh other things... had my first encounter with the Wii system. FUN even though Game-girl kicked me at every game!! Just means there is room for improvement, right? Also, Game-girl noticed the earthquake before I did ... I have not felt one of those in a while. It was just a small tremor and we watched our tea giggle back and forth... no big deal!
I will try to keep the earthquakes small this week and hope to have a new sock to show soon.
WOW! Quite an eventful few days. Love the shoes & i glad to see that you went to the concert. I've got pictures to post on my blog tonight. Later
とても楽しい。つごいね!皆のたぼうがいないね??どうしてだろう? ごめんなさい、日本語を書くことが大変。もうすぐスカイプで話ましょうか。じゃあね!
Hey there chicka!
Just wanted to say hi and touch base with you...I am sorry I missed you before you left (guessing you are in Japan now).
Anyway, looks like you are having a blast! Love the pics!!!
Love the pictures. You are really busy.
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