SO... the gals and I did a little damage. The plan was get up early am and drive to the Yarn sale pick up some ol' Lorna's and split. Did that happen? OH YEAH... and some. .. and a little more... then we had to come home and get the SUV. (no wait, we ditched the SUV since it was so full and took the sudan) This isn't sounding good is it? I am not sure how to explain the damage. I should have been good and said I had to stay home and knit a sock or something...play video games, karaoke... something!!! But no...
At planned yarn store one: bought Lorna's in Daffodil color. How can you resist a cheery yellow, grass green with Blue? Then in my preparation for a trip to Japan I thought I better buy some #2 Addi turbo needles. :) I did good at this yarn shop.
Then it was Carmel roll and coffee time. This is Seattle, ya know. As we are digesting the rolls.... and thinking how close we are to the next Yarn store.... Uh huh...we dashed to the car and rolled on over to the next store. It appeared they had RARE never seen before yarn. so out popped the credit card and two skeins later, we were rolling down to the local store that is going out of business. Almost left empty handed. Actually we did leave with out purchases.... to come home and see which solid colors I had and which I NEEDED for this cute baby sweater for, that spoiled little girl in Japan, Mio. Pattern in hand I picked up the 14 colors needed and the size .... oh I hate to say it.... size #1 needles for a sweater!!!
My knitting rules are starting to brake. 1. I don't rip out 2. I don't swatch and 3. I don't knit sweaters in needle size smaller than an 8. Time for new rules? well, technically this is just a baby sweater not an adult sweater. I think I am fine.
Thank goodness I am safe in my home and all the yarn shops are closed! oh, but then there is the internet....
Last night was Ya-Yo night with the knit group. All was fine, a few skipper due to the holiday weekend or other cheesy excuses. I only got in trouble for talking once. But I don't do well when the ring leader asks to take a poll and is actually making a $15-20 canvas bag sales pitch. (Sorry, I have my super cool and trendy FREE knitting bags from collecting my doughnut coupons and attending work related conferences. oh, yeah Santa got me the bag I use most days to cart the LYS phone book page, random patterns and extra sock yarn around.)
Man, I had no idea how hard it is to get the perfect picture of a completed sock on one foot. How does everyone do it? After all the YA-yo drama I was able to complete the first of the "Sock Madness option sock for losers." Boy is it cozy!! I want to beat my fellow loser-/-competitor and get the pair completed this week. But first must observe Easter. Hope the bunny brings everyone that dream easter basket full of goodies. (ie: knitting items)