Sunday, April 1, 2007

NO fooling

Well, today I was hanging with my knittin' gals and I completed the Regia Silk socks. I can't wait to wear them to work tomorrow. Did I say SILK? Since I finished them a little earlier than planned, I had to have something to do while I watched TV, right? So I started my next pair of socks. Yes, Denise, they are toe-ups using my new Claudia's hand painted yarn. The color name is red chocolate. Yum!
Oh, I believe this is the 12th pair of socks this year.


Melanie said...

You crank out the socks faster then anyone I know.
BTW, looks like you got this blog thind down pat.
I can't wait to see your Claudia socks, I bet they are smokin'.

Sara Fitzgibbons said...
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Unknown said...

Oh, my god!!!うらやましい。

Unknown said...

Take a look at this blog from Japan. It is so cute.