I forgot to show a few pictures of the lake I camped at last week. This is my brother taking his little gal swimming in Wallowa Lake. It was so hot there I could not knit on the mohair sweater I keep swearing I am going to finish before September.. :(

Was there wild life at the camp? Do the three year olds count? ok, just kidding. I am more curious why the deer is in the horse pasture?

oh no... he is coming after my yarn... watch out! Nah, I think he went for the loaves of bread at the neighbors site and cantaloupe. I saw him unzip the duffle bag the food was in... wow, smart deer. Last year we had to tie up the cooler because these deer can pop a cooler open with their nose and mouth.
So after the camp adventure I snuck into mom and dad's house and painted both bathrooms, first time in about 27 years! It was a job. I did not might doing the work, just it kind of took away my my knitting and soccer time. :( I'll recover. i am thinking that mom and dad might have given up something for me at some point in time.
In between paint and hardware runs, I was able to sniff out a yarn shop. And the results? oh just look!

No, I really did not need three skeins of yarn BUT This was on sale half off and I don't usually knit with solid colors. I have been noticing have much nicer some patterns are with a solid color. This is sport weight and each skien is only 230yards. I was told to find a lacy pattern. not sure what they will be come. I'll just tuck them away for a rainy day. (Wait I live in Seattle. Q rainy day just might be tomorrow.!.)
The yarn diet has gone out the window, again! I also ordered from knitpicks. I need yarn to make the
Irish Hiking scarf for my book worm friend. I like the serious look to this scarf. Not to mention it seems warm enough for a good cold winter. Let's hope for a cold winter so Book Worm can wear my scarf. here is the scarf to be...

The bad news about my Knit Picks order: I ordered before vacation and had the package sent to MOm and dad's house because I was planning do a little painting. the yarn stuff came and I knew the Ann Budd book would be a little later. Guess what, it came the day after I leave. :( now I have to either wait a month or so until I get back to mom and dad's, OR... I sneak into a friend's house and swipe is for a little over night reading. Hmmmm.... maybe a bribe would be better...
On the way home from grandmother's house (Grandma sounds better than mom and dad, right?) I stopped by IKEA along I-5. I bought a placement. Then this morning after reading a knitter's blog and doing some research I believe I successfully made a sock blocker. WOW! just looky here. oh, the place mat was only in one color and it fortunately was... GREEN and silver!

Now look and see how it really shows off my lovely broadripple. (I finished this sock since the photo was taken.) I am loving this sock. Good pattern, only a 2 row pattern. I still hate the stretchy Fixation yarn,but the colors are turning out great! (Also, trying to burn the stash a little.)

Well next time I hope to have a pair of socks done, and then I will reveal a growning problem.