Wow! I can't believe the week flew by so quickly. I have been working so hard that I am finding it hard to make time to knit. But I did take a few trips into town in the evenings which bought me some knitting time! Not to mention that the temperature are finally dropping a bit. While I am still optimistic to get the mohair sweater done by Christmas... I am not seeing time to have it done this month. :(
I finally got a little mojo going for the kool-aid socks and they are DONE!!! Thank goodness. The next easy pair is on the needles and I am hoping to thread in some cool pattern after they are knit up. It should be a surprise in many aspects. :)
The Brazilian girls and I went down to the local soccer game, after changing trains 3 times!!! It was a lot of fun and we were lucky our $25 seats were covered from the heavy rain that has been falling all day long. The game was scoreless until the last 3 minutes when the Brazilian player knocked in a goal. My friends were super excited. Here are a few pictures to enjoy.

Did you want a better close up? Little arrow pattern

I forgot to mention the super cool fireworks I viewed from my friend's 10 story building. WOW!!! the fireworks went on for an hour. I thought after they put the happy face images in the sky and hello kitty images up the grand finally was just around the corner.... not for another half an hour. I would love to see them again next year. I wanted to take pictures but I was afraid to leave my comfortable seat and plate of sushi. :) It was really a nice party to attend.
Friday night I met a friend an we went to a popular area along the river after a 90 degree day. It was wonderful to sit and watch the boats floating by with the cool autumn breeze. We counted 40 party boats out in the bay area at one time. nice way to end the week.
I took a picture of the socks guarding my computer in my new computer room. This is were everyone shares the signal. So when I am talking to you on Skype this is where my socks and I are.... :) Cozy isn't it?